Like sand through the hourglass

2 min readMay 10, 2021


I just thought I’d write a quick braindump on the last week.

Some of you probably noticed a bit of controversy that no doubt has been blown way out of proportion.

Let me give my summary and some thoughts on what it means for our burgeoning ecosystem.

I’ve been working on Pangolin for free for about 3 months. Since it launched pretty much. Last week in Discord, a rather exuberant fellow, started maligning my character and talking in unfavorable terms about my partner. A few days pass and after a multisig proposal drama about anon members blows up and I get personally harassed on Telegram. I make a rather stupid, obvious mistake.

I respond.

I’m tired, worn out, working two jobs and have another member joining the brood imminently. I make a mistake. I lash out.

It was wrong, I’m man enough to admit that. I shouldn’t have done it. No excuses. But let’s try understand the reasoning behind it.

Avalanche is new. It’s a beautiful dream at this point. It holds so much promise, yet it’s fragile. There are competitors beyond every horizon. Of course their technology is worse. That’s obvious. They’re better in other ways. They are attracting talent to their ecosystem. They’re creating an environment where builders can flourish and thrive. They’re financially rewarding the very real scarcity of builders in our industry.

We as a community need to help create that environment. We will be defined by the cities we build. There are numerous threads talking about how difficult and mentally challenging it is being a builder in DeFi. Yet I thought, as a community, in that instance were perpetuating that dangerous trend.

I hope we can be kinder to our builders. I guess that’s my wish. I hope it’s not naïve.

Please note: The title is ironic. I hope it was obvious….




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